- Steinbrech J, Amann U, Irlbeck M, Clauß S, Strobach D. Risk Stratification of QTc Prolongations in Hospitalized Cardiology and Gastroenterology Patients Using the Tisdale Score - A Retrospective Analysis. J Clin Med. 2025; 14(2):339. doi: 10.3390/jcm14020339 (Open Access)
- Geßele C, Rémi C, Smolka V, Dimitriadis K, Amann U, Saller T, Strobach D. Anticholinergic Exposure, Drug Dose and Postoperative Delirium: Comparison of Dose-Related and Non-Dose-Related Anticholinergic Burden Scores in a Retrospective Cohort Study of Older Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Patients. Drugs Aging. 2024 Dec;41(12):1003-1013 (Open Access)
- Kipka H, Liebchen U, Hübner M, Höfner G, Frey O, Wanner KT, Kilger E, Hagl C, Tomasi R, Mannell H. Serum concentrations of levosimendan and its metabolites OR-1855 and OR-1896 in cardiac surgery patients with cardiopulmonary bypass. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 2024, 11:1406338. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2024.1406338 (Open Access)
- Steinbrech J, Klein T, Kirschke S, Mannell H, Clauß S, Bertsche T, Strobach D. Determining sensitivity and specificity of risk scores for QTc interval prolongation in hemato-oncology patients prescribed systemic antifungal therapy: a retrospective cross-sectional study. Int J Clin Pharm. 2024 Aug 14. doi: 10.1007/s11096-024-01788-w. Epub ahead of print (Open Access)
- Strobach D, Pudritz Y, Huttner D. Retrospective analysis of adverse drug reaction enquiries to a hospital drug information service: lessons to be learned to increase in-hospital drug safety. Int J Pharm Pract. 2024 Jul 18:riae036. doi: 10.1093/ijpp/riae036. Epub ahead of print (Open Access)
- Strobach D, Chiriac U, Klausner S, Krebs S, Langebrake C, Querbach C, Schuhmacher C, Schulte R, Wiegrebe S, Amann U. Factors Determining Quality of Drug Information by Hospital Pharmacies—Results from Five-Year Annual Quality Assessment. Pharmacy 2024, 12(4), 109; doi: 10.3390/pharmacy12040109 (Open Access)
- Bozic U, Witti MJ, Ralf S, Fischer MR, Zottmann JM, Pudritz YM. Development of the entrustable professional activity 'medication reconciliation' for clinical pharmacy. BMC Medical Education 24, 568 (2024). doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-05504-0 (Open Access)
- Geßele C, Saller T, Smolka V, Dimitriadis K, Amann U, Strobach D. Development and validation of a new drug-focused predictive risk score for postoperative delirium in orthopaedic and trauma surgery patients. BMC geriatrics. 2024;24:422. doi: 10.1186/s12877-024-05005-1 (Open Access)
- Berner JM, Blei J, Remi C. Subcutaneous dimenhydrinate and levomepromazine–tolerability and compatibility: observational Study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care 2023; doi: 10.1136/spcare-2023-004613 (Open Access)
- Golla K, Benesic A, Mannell H, Dreischulte T, Grill E, Strobach D. Hepatic Impairment as a Risk Factor for Drug Safety: Suitability and Comparison of Four Liver Scores as Screening Tools. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023;12:6814. (Open Access)
- Strobach D, Haimerl L, Mannell H, Stief CG, Karl A, Grimm T, Buchner A. The Characterization of Non-oncologic Chronic Drug Therapy in Bladder Cancer Patients and the Impact on Recurrence-Free and Cancer-Specific Survival: A Prospective Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023;12:6749. (Open Access)
- Gruber MM, Weber A, Jung J, Strehlau A, Tsilimparis N, Draenert R. The impact of antibiotic stewardship interventions and patient related factors on antibiotic prescribing in a vascular surgical department. Infection 2023 Jun 8. doi: 10.1007/s15010-023-02056-1. (Open Access)
- Kipka H, Schaflinger R, Tomasi R, Pogoda K, Mannell H. The Effects of the Levosimendan Metabolites OR-1855 and OR-1896 on Endothelial Pro-Inflammatory Responses. Biomedicines 2023, 11(3):918. (Open Access)
- Haerdtlein A, Debold E, Rottenkolber M, Boehmer AM, Pudritz YM, Shahid F, Gensichen J, Dreischulte T. Which adverse events and which drugs are implicated in drug-related hospital admissions? A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Med 2023; 12(4):1320. (Open Access)
- Rémi C, Hermann AK, Hodiamont F, Bausewein C. Benefit of a Palliative Care Drug Information Service and User Experience: A Cross-sectional Study Using a Web-based Online Survey. Die Pharmazie 2023; 78:51-55(5). doi: 10.1691/ph.2023.3501 (Open Access)
- Golla K, Mannell H, Benesic A, Dreischulte T, Grill E, Strobach D. Feasibility of the MELD score as a screening tool for pharmacists to identify patients with impaired hepatic function at hospital admission. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2022;47(5):676-684 doi: 10.1111/jcpt.13597 (Open Access)
- Haerdtlein A, Boehmer AM, Karsten Dafonte K, Rottenkolber M, Jaehde U, Dreischulte T. Prioritisation of Adverse Drug Events Leading to Hospital Admission and Occurring during Hospitalisation: A RAND Survey. J Clin Med. 2022;11(15):4254. doi: 10.3390/jcm11154254 (Open Access)
- Hindelang V, Dimitriadis K, Saller T, Golla K, Mannell H, Hug MJ, Strobach D. A new medication-based prediction score for postoperative delirium in surgical patients: Development and proof of feasibility in a retrospective patient cohort. Die Pharmazie 2022;77:302-306. doi: 10.1691/ph.2022.2438. (Open Access)
- Seiberth S, Mannell H, Birkenmaier C, Neuerburg C, Smolka V, Andraschko M, Strobach D. Benefit of medication reviews by renal pharmacists in the setting of a computerized physician order entry system with clinical decision support. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2022;47:1531-1538. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.13697. (Open Access)
- Kipka H, Tomasi R, Hübner M, Liebchen U, Hagl C, Wanner KT, Mannell H*, Höfner G*. Simultaneous LC-ESI-MS/MS Quantification of Levosimendan and Its Metabolites for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Cardiac Surgery Patients. Pharmaceutics. 2022;14(7):1454. (Open Access)
*shared last authorship
- Kiesel EK, Drey M and Pudritz YM. Infuence of a ward‑based pharmacist on the medication quality of geriatric inpatients: a before–after study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2022 doi: 10.1007/s11096-021-01369-1 (Open Access)
- Seiberth S, Berner J, Hug MJ and Strobach D. 'Double Whammy' and 'Triple Whammy' combinations in hospitalized surgical patients - real life data from a tertiary teaching hospital. Pharmazie. 2022;77(1):38-43. (Open Access)
- Gruber M, Weber A, Jung J, Werner J and Draenert R. Impact and Sustainability of Antibiotic Stewardship on Antibiotic Prescribing in Visceral Surgery. Antibiotics. 2021;10(12):1518. (Open Access)
- Strobach D, Schlattl A, Schiek S, Bertsche T. QTc-time-prolongating drugs and additional risk factors for long-QT-syndrome at hospital admission of surgical patients – risk assessment by pharmacists. Pharmazie 2021, 76. doi: 10.1691/ph.2021.1697
- Haimerl L, Strobach D, Mannell H, Stief CG, Buchner A, Karl A, Grimm T. Retrospective evaluation of the impact of non oncologic chronic drug therapy on the survival in patients with bladder cancer. Int J Clin Pharm 2021 doi: 10.1007/s11096-021-01343-x (Open Access)
- Rémi C, Bauer D, Krumm L, Bausewein C. Drug-Related Problems on a Palliative Care Unit. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy. 2021;35:4, 264-272. doi: 10.1080/15360288.2021.1943596
- Kreitmeyr K, Pecar A, Mikolajczyk R, von Both U and Huebner J. Pediatric Antibiotic Stewardship: Optimization of Vancomycin Therapy Based on Individual Pharmacokinetics. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 2021;40(6):556-562.
- Hermann A, Bausewein C, Rémi C. Drug information needs of health care professionals in palliative care: a retrospective evaluation of a palliative care drug information service. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2021;62(3):28-37. (Open Access)
- Seiberth S, Bauer D, Schönermarck U, Mannell H, Stief C, Hasford J and Strobach D. Implementation of a renal pharmacist consultant service - Information sharing in paper versus digital form. Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics. 2021;46(3):838-845. (Open Access)
- Seiberth S, Bauer D, Schönermarck U, Mannell H, Stief C, Hasford J and Strobach D. Correct use of non-indexed eGFR for drug dosing and renal drug-related problems at hospital admission. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2020;76:1683-1693. (Open Access)
- Seiberth S, Terstegen T, Strobach D, Czock D. Accuracy of Freely Available Online GFR Calculators Using the CKD-EPI Equation. European journal of clinical pharmacology. 2020;76:1465-1470. (Open Access)
- Strobach D, Poppele A, Mannell H, Andraschko M, Schiek S and Bertsche T. Screening for impaired liver function as a risk factor for drug safety at hospital admission of surgical patients. International journal of clinical pharmacy. 2020;42:124-131.
- Araujo da Silva AR, Jaszkowski E, Schober T, von Both U, Meyer-Buehn M, Marques AF, Farkas B, de Abreu BS, di Biase CB, Takahashi JM, de Castro LD, Leal IA, Teixeira CH, Nussbaum CF, Hoffmann F and Hubner J. Patterns of antimicrobial consumption in neonatal and pediatric intensive care units in Germany and Brazil. European journal of clinical microbiology & infectious diseases: official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology. 2020;39:249-255.
- Rémi C, Michiel S. Medikationsmanagement bei Palliativpatienten am Lebensende. Krankenhauspharmazie. 2020; 41:300–6
- Lachenmayr SJ, Strobach D, Berking S, Horns H, Berger K and Ostermann H. Improving quality of antifungal use through antifungal stewardship interventions. Infection. 2019;47:603-610.
- Blassmann U, Hope W, Roehr AC, Frey OR, Vetter-Kerkhoff C, Thon N, Briegel J and Huge V. CSF penetration of vancomycin in critical care patients with proven or suspected ventriculitis: a prospective observational study. The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy. 2019;74:991-996.
- Kiesel EK, Hopf YM and Drey M. An anticholinergic burden score for German prescribers: score development. BMC geriatrics. 2018;18:239. (Open Access)
- Lachenmayr SJ, Berking S, Horns H, Strobach D, Ostermann H and Berger K. Antifungal treatment in haematological and oncological patients: Need for quality assessment in routine care. Mycoses. 2018;61:464-471.
- Stelzer D, Weber A, Ihle F, Matthes S, Ceelen F, Zimmermann G, Kneidinger N, Schramm R, Winter H, Zoller M, Vogeser M, Behr J and Neurohr C. Posaconazole liquid vs tablet formulation in lung transplant recipients. Mycoses. 2018;61:186-194.
- Kiesel E and Hopf Y. Hospital pharmacists working with geriatric patients in Europe: a systematic literature review. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2018;25:e74-e81. (Open Access)
- Kreitmeyr K, von Both U, Pecar A, Borde JP, Mikolajczyk R and Huebner J. Pediatric antibiotic stewardship: successful interventions to reduce broad-spectrum antibiotic use on general pediatric wards. Infection. 2017;45:493-504.
- Stelzer D, Weber A, Ihle F, Matthes S, Ceelen F, Zimmermann G, Kneidinger N, Schramm R, Winter H, Zoller M, Vogeser M, Behr J and Neurohr C. Comparing Azole Plasma Trough Levels in Lung Transplant Recipients: Percentage of Therapeutic Levels and Intrapatient Variability. Therapeutic drug monitoring. 2017;39:93-101. (Open Access)
- Blassmann U, Roehr AC, Frey OR, Vetter-Kerkhoff C, Thon N, Hope W, Briegel J and Huge V. Cerebrospinal fluid penetration of meropenem in neurocritical care patients with proven or suspected ventriculitis: a prospective observational study. Critical care (London, England). 2016;20:343. (Open Access)
- Blassmann U, Roehr AC, Frey OR, Koeberer A, Briegel J, Huge V and Vetter-Kerkhoff C. Decreased Linezolid Serum Concentrations in Three Critically Ill Patients: Clinical Case Studies of a Potential Drug Interaction between Linezolid and Rifampicin. Pharmacology. 2016;98:51-5.
- Pompe SV, Strobach D, Stief CG, Becker AJ and Trottmann M. Drug use among men with unfulfilled wish to father children: a retrospective analysis and discussion of specific drug classes. Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety. 2016;25:668-77.
- Pompe SV, Trottmann M and Strobach D. Transfer of knowledge into clinical practice: an ongoing problem. An example of adverse drug reactions impairing male fertility. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy. 2016;23:121-122. (Open Access)